Advanced Coding guide on XE, XP, XS and XU modifier

Advanced Coding guide on XE, XP, XS and XU modifier

Basics of XE, XP, XS and XU modifier Modifiers change the payment definition of CPT procedure code. Yes, modifiers define the procedure  in different ways like whether the procedure was really necessary to perform, the procedure was done completely or not, the procedure was done using assistant surgeons, additional or multiple procedure performed etc. There is a big list of modifiers used along with CPT codes. But, today we will talk only about the 59 modifier or XE, XP, XS, XU modifier.  There are modifier indicators which tells us whether…

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How to use XS modifier with CPT codes

X modifiers were introduced in 2015 for giving more specific information for overlaping procedures.. These modifiers are going to be used in places where we were using 59 modifier. But, we will be continuing using 59 modifier. We will learn one of the new modifier XS (X-Structural) which will be used now for some overlapping exams. Now, we know that we were using 59 modifier previously only to differentiate one procedure from another. Now, if we see that we will be going more specific by using this new modifier XS…

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