How to use XE (Encounter) modifier with CPT codes

As we all know, X{EPSU} modifiers have been used for specificity instead of 59 modifier. These new modifiers are used in place of 59 to differentiate between procedures more specifically. XS, XE, XU and XP are the modifiers introduced in 2015 . Each one of X modifier is different from one antoher. The XE modifier stands for X- Encounter. This modifier is used to differentiate between the two procedures with different encounter under same physician. Since, many of us are still having confusion with these modifiers it will be good to learn them using few examples. Now, let us checkout how to use XE modifier while coding medical charts in medical coding.

Read also: Advance coding guide for X{EPSU} modifiers

Technique of using XE modifier

XE modifier is used with procedures, which have different encounter on same day with same physician. Here, we will take an example from radiology charts. Let us say the patient has come with an right ankle fracture in the morning to the physician. The physician performs an x-ray of right ankle with three views. So, the procedure code for this report will be

73610-RT – Radiology examination of ankle, minimum three views (Morning visit)

Now, the same patient comes in evening for the reduction of the fracture to the same physician. Now, the physician performs an x-rays of right ankle but only two views. So, now here as we see the patient has different encounter with same physician in morning and evening. Hence, we have to differentiate such procedure using XE modifier. Earlier until 2014, only 59 modifier was used to differentiate procedures. So, finally the CPT code for the second encounter will be

73600-RT, XE –Radiology examination of ankle, two views (Evening visit)

Hope, you would have understood now how to use XE modifier. If you like the article do share it.

2 Thoughts to “How to use XE (Encounter) modifier with CPT codes”

  1. […] you have any questions related to new modifiers you should be able to answer them. Using of XE modifier and XS modifier can be checked in my blog post. The new CPT codes and the revised CPT codes should […]

  2. […] my previous post, I have shared about how to use XE modifier while coding medical charts in medical coding. In this post, I will tell you how the documentation […]

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