COVID-19 ICD 10 Z codes Coding Tips for Coders

COVID-19 reports needs to reported mostly with Z codes, because most of the cases are related to screening only and screening for COVID leads to Z codes. So, like this their are few imported Z codes which are used to for report COVID cases, which we will study in this article.

The Complete list of ICD 10 codes used for COVID 19 or coronavirus cases I have already shared. It is also important to check the CPT codes used for COVID 19 reports before using the COVID-19 ICD codes.

Use for Z code Z11.59 (No Known Exposure)

Z11.59 Encounter for screening for other viral diseases

If patient has sign/symptoms, assign the code for sign/symptoms instead of Z11.59. If test results are positive, assign U07.1, the screening code should be used only when their is no sign and symptoms of COVID 19. The screening test are done randomly on set of population to find the COVID 19 patients and avoid spreading the disease

For example, if a patient undergoes a screening test for COVID 19 and the results comes as negative, then the reason for visit and primary diagnosis both will be reported with screening Z code Z11.59.

Read also: When to use Z codes as primary diagnosis by coders

Use for Z code Z03.818 (Possible Exposure)

Z03.818 Encounter for observation for suspected exposure to other biological agents ruled out

If patient has sign/symptoms, assign the code for sign/symptoms instead of Z03.818. If test results are positive, assign U07.1.Here, the patient is not confirmed of having exposure to COVID 19 carrier, hence in the final results comes negative for COVID 19 test, then only the possible exposure to COVID 19 Z code Z03.818 should be assigned as reason for visit and primary diagnosis.

For example, a patient is asymptomatic for COVID 19 and has possible exposure to a COVID 19 carrier and the final  results show negative, then only the possible exposure Z code Z01.818 should be assigned as primary diagnosis.

Use of Z code Z20.828 ((Actual Exposure)

Z20.828 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to other viral communicable diseases

If patient has sign/symptoms and test results are negative, inconclusive, or unknown, assign the code for sign/symptoms as Primary diagnosis  and Z20.828 as additional Dx. If test results are positive, assign U07.1

The only difference between possible and actual exposure to COVID 19 is that in the actual exposure, the patient he or she has confirmed being in contact with the COVID 19 carrier. Hence even the final results are negative in such cases, the primary diagnosis should be Z code, Z20.828.

Read also: Coding guide for major Joint Replacement Surgery CPT codes

Use of Z code Z86.19 

If a patient has a history of COVID-19, and has no signs, symptoms and no manifestations of COVID-19 any longer, assign the history code Z86.19, Personal history of other infectious and parasitic diseases.  There is not a timeframe for the history code so coders will need to review documentation carefully.

Antibody testing only is coded to Z01.84, Encounter for antibody response examination

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