Coding Guide for Pupilloplasty CPT codes

Pupilloplasty is a procedure that enlarges pupil size by opening the visual axis. The procedure is performed when small pupils are unresponsive to pharmacological dilation for near-vision problems caused by small pupil size, acuteangle closure glaucoma, or by postcataract treatment and presbyopic lens extraction. Let us check the Pupilloplasty cpt codes used in surgery.

Description for Pupilloplasty cpt codes

66762 Iridoplasty by photocoagulation (1 or more sessions) (eg, for improvement of vision, for widening of anterior chamber angle)

The physician places a special contact lens on the eye of the patient and uses multiple bursts of light from an argon laser to create an additional hole in the iris.

66630 Iridectomy, with corneoscleral or corneal section; sector for glaucoma  (separate procedure)

Though constantly flushed and renewed, the overall pressure of aqueous is constant in a healthy eye’s anterior chamber. Too little or too much fluid can cause permanent damage. To enhance the flow of fluids in the eye, the physician makes an incision at the juncture of the cornea and sclera (the limbus). The physician removes a wedge piece from the iris leaving what is often referred to as a keyhole pupil. This causes the intraocular pressure to fall as aqueous from behind the iris can flow forward and drain from the eye. The physician may close the incision with sutures and may restore the intraocular pressure with an injection of water or saline. A topical antibiotic or pressure patch may be applied.

66761 Iridotomy/iridectomy by laser surgery (eg, for glaucoma) (per session)

After applying a topical anesthetic, the physician places a special contact lens on the patient’s eye. The argon or YAG laser is focused on the iris and multiple short bursts of laser light create holes in the iris. This procedure allows fluids in the eye to pass from behind the iris through the openings into the space between the iris and the cornea (the anterior chamber), lowering intraocular pressure. This code is reported once per session.

 Read also: When to use Knee Arthroscopy Procedure Codes

Related Pupilloplasty CPT codes

66600 Iridectomy, with corneoscleral or corneal section; for removal of lesion

66605 Iridectomy, with corneoscleral or corneal section; with cyclectomy

66625 Iridectomy, with corneoscleral or corneal section; peripheral for glaucoma (separate procedure)

66635 Iridectomy, with corneoscleral or corneal section; optical (separate procedure)

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