Interesting ICD 10 codes You will always love to code

In ICD 10, there are lot of diagnosis codes which are very interesting to code. Being a medical coder, I always have to come across to different scenarios in a medical coding charts. Once you learn how to read a medical report, then you can easily code the ICD 10 and CPT code.

When I talk about coding diagnosis codes, there are different topics which always create problems for medical coders. For example, the aftercare and followup codes, pregnancy complication codes, injury fracture codes, primary and secondary ICD 10 codes etc. are always needs a second opinion which coding.

But, today, I would just share the diagnosis codes which are little confusing to code for coders. So, let us checkout these codes.

Interesting ICD 10 codes You will always love to code

Read also: How to choose the primary diagnosis in Medical coding

Flank pain

Flank pain is actually caused on the sides of the abdomen area. But, if you see there is no specific ICD 10 code for flank pain. But, when we search in ICD 10 codebook for flank pain, we reach to unspecified abdominal pain code, R10.9

Now, the ICD 10 code R10.9 is used only when there is no specific documentation of any quadrant pain in abdomen. The Flank pain should always be reported with unspecified abdominal pain R10.9

If the medical report talks about any specific abdominal quadrant pain like right upper quadrant pain, then you can code the specific abdominal pain code, R10.11 for right upper quadrant.

DDD at different level of Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical spine

Many coders are not aware of a particular guideline for coding different levels for disc degeneration or disc displacement at lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine. Let us understand this topic through an example.

For example, there a disc displacement present a C1-C2 level and also at C3-C4 level. Now, as per ICD 10 coding guidelines, the coders should report only the highest level of disc disorder. Here, C1-C2 is the highest level, hence disc displacement at C1-C2 level will be enough to code in this scenario.

Similarly the same guidelines applies to lumbar and thoracic levels. So always code the highest level when the disc disorder is present in different level of spine.

Read also: ICD 10 coding guidelines for diabetes and its complications

Infant versus Newborn codes

Medical coder still have a lot of confusion with infant and newborn codes. Before we move ahead, we should the definition of newborn and infant.

Newborn(neonatal): baby under 28 days of age

Infant: baby under one year of age

Many coders consider newborn till 2 months (equal to 60 days) which is not correct in medical coding. Always remember there are separate newborn ICD 10 codes for diagnosis and a normal diagnosis codes for adults. For example, the newborn jaundice has a separate ICD 10 code and adult patient has a separate ICD 10 code.

Normal Jaundice ICD 10 : R17

Newborn Jaundice ICD 10 : P59.9

One Thought to “Interesting ICD 10 codes You will always love to code”

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