Coding Guidelines for Total thyroidectomy CPT code

In surgery facility, their are different set of cpt codes for coding thyroidectomy. These codes vary depending on the different techiques used to perform this procedure. The list of CPT code for  total thyroidectomy are  60240, 60252, 60254, 60260, 60270 & 60271. These are the cpt codes used majorly for coding thyroidectomy. Let use checkout them one by one.

Description of total Thyroidectomy CPT code

Their are different codes for thyroidectomy depending on the different techniques used to perform this procedure. Let us checkout the one by one.

60240 Thyroidectomy, total or complete

In this procedure physician removes all of the thyroid. The physician exposes the thyroid via a transverse cervical incision in the skin line. The platysmas are divided and the strap muscles separated in the midline. The thyroid gland is mobilized and the superior and inferior thyroid vessels are ligated. The parathyroid glands are preserved and the thyroid is resected free of the trachea and removed. The platysmas and skin are closed.

60252 Thyroidectomy, total or subtotal for malignancy; with limited neck dissection

60254  with radical neck dissection

In this exam, the physician removes a malignant thyroid and some lymph nodes. The physician exposes the thyroid via a transverse cervical incision in the skin line. The platysmas are divided and the strap muscles separated in the midline. The thyroid gland is mobilized and the superior and inferior thyroid vessels are ligated. The parathyroid glands are preserved and the thyroid is resected free of the trachea and removed. All enlarged lymph nodes are identified and excised. The platysmas and skin are closed. CPT code 60252 is reported when a limited neck dissection is done, while CPT code  60254 is reported if a radical neck dissection is included in the procedure.

Supply codes used with CPT code 60240, 60252 and 60254

SA054 pack, post-op incision care (suture)
SB006 drape, non-sterile, sheet 40in x 60in
SB027 gown, staff, impervious
SG039 dressing, 5in x 9in (ABD-Combine)
SG055 gauze, sterile 4in x 4in
SG079 tape, surgical paper 1in (Micropore)
SJ046 silver nitrate applicator
SA048 pack, minimum multi-specialty visit


60260  Thyroidectomy, removal of all remaining thyroid tissue following previous removal of a portion of thyroid

During this exam, the physician removes thyroid tissue remaining following a partial thyroidectomy. The physician enters through the previous incision scar. The platysmas and scar tissue are divided and the strap muscles are divided in the midline. While preserving the parathyroid glands, all the remaining scar tissue is resected. The platysmas and skin are closed.

60270  Thyroidectomy, including substernal thyroid; sternal split or transthoracic approach

60271  cervical approach

In this exam, the physician removes the thyroid, including the substernal thyroid gland. The physician exposes the thyroid via sternal split/transthoracic approach in 60270 or via a transverse cervical incision in the skin line in 60271. The platysmas are divided and the strap muscles separated in the midline. The thyroid gland is mobilized and the superior and inferior thyroid vessels are ligated. The parathyroid glands are preserved and the thyroid is resected free of the trachea and removed. Any substernal thyroid is bluntly dissected. Upper sternal incision may be necessary for complete excision of substernal thyroid. The platysmas and skin are closed.

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