CPT code 97124 Coding tips for Medical coders

Basics of CPT code 97124

Generally, massage is a technique of applying light or firm pressure, with different movement styles, using palms, fingers, and thumbs, over body muscles and tissues in order to restore better blood circulation, relax muscles, and stimulate soft tissues. A massage expert or a therapist performs various types of stroking and other massages on a patient’s body for therapeutic purposes. The specific techniques involved would be effleurage, petrissage, or tapotement. This code is reported in units of 15 minutes.Below is the description of CPT code 97124.

97124 Therapeutic procedure, one or more areas, each 15 minutes; massage, including effleurage, petrissage and/or tapotement (stroking, compression, percussion).

When to use CPT code 97124

CPT code 97124 should be used when a qualified healthcare professional performs any massage technique on the patient in a clinical setting. The qualified healthcare professional includes:

  • Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Chiropractors
  • Physical Therapist Assistant
  • Occupational Therapy Assistant
  • Massage Therapist
  • Physician

CPT code 97124 should not be used to bill myofascial release .

The health care provider uses massage to provide muscle relaxation, increase localized circulation, soften scar tissue, or mobilize mucous secretions in the lung via tapotement and/or percussion. This code requires direct contact with the health care provider and can be billed in 15-minute units, regardless of the number of body parts treated.

CPT code 97124 code represents 15 minutes of treatment.  However, because treatment may not always be split into perfect 15 minute segments, the 8-Minute Rule was devised.  In order to bill one unit of time for a code, the provider must spend at least 8 minutes performing the service.  To calculate the number of units to bill for timed codes, add up the total minutes spent and divide by 15.  This will give you the number of units you can bill. If the remainder is more than 8, you can bill an additional unit; if it’s 7 or under, you must bill for the minimum units. 

An 8-Minute Rule table is provided here:

8-22 minutes: 1 Unit

23-37 minutes: 2 Units

38-52 minutes: 3 Units

53-67 minutes: 4 Units

CODING GUIDELINES for Procedure code 97124

  • One-on-one therapy code
  • Billed in 15-minutes increment
  • Require a therapy modifier (GP, GN, GO, CO, CQ)
  • CMS 8-minute and AMA rule of Eights are applied

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