Neck surgery excision or incision CPT code list

NECK — Neck surgery – Major excision or incision of the larynx and radical neck dissection; does not include thyroid and parathyroid operations

Procedure Code Category CPT Codes Code Description

CPT code 31300 Laryngotomy (thyrotomy, laryngofissure); with removal of tumor or laryngocele, cordectomy
CPT code 31360 Laryngectomy; total, without radical neck dissection
CPT code 31365 Laryngectomy; total, with radical neck dissection
CPT code 31367 Laryngectomy; subtotal supraglottic, without radical neck dissection
CPT code 31368 Laryngectomy; subtotal supraglottic, with radical neck dissection
CPT code 31370 Partial laryngectomy (hemilaryngectomy); horizontal
CPT code 31375 Partial laryngectomy (hemilaryngectomy); laterovertical
CPT code 31380 Partial laryngectomy (hemilaryngectomy); anterovertical
CPT code 31382 Partial laryngectomy (hemilaryngectomy); antero-latero-vertical
CPT code 31390 Pharyngolaryngectomy, with radical neck dissection; without reconstruction
CPT code 31395 Pharyngolaryngectomy, with radical neck dissection; with reconstruction
CPT code 31400 Arytenoidectomy or arytenoidopexy, external approach
CPT code 31420 Epiglottidectomy
CPT code 31551 Laryngoplasty; for laryngeal stenosis, with graft, without indwelling stent placement, younger than 12 years of age
CPT code 31552 Laryngoplasty; for laryngeal stenosis, with graft, without indwelling stent placement, age 12 years or older
CPT code 31553 Laryngoplasty; for laryngeal stenosis, with graft, with indwelling stent placement, younger than 12 years of age
CPT code 31554 Laryngoplasty; for laryngeal stenosis, with graft, with indwelling stent placement, age 12 years or older
CPT code 31560 Laryngoscopy, direct, operative, with arytenoidectomy;
CPT code 31561 Laryngoscopy, direct, operative, with arytenoidectomy; with operating microscope or telescope
CPT code 31580 Laryngoplasty; for laryngeal web, with indwelling keel or stent insertion
CPT code 31584 Laryngoplasty; with open reduction and fixation of (eg, plating) fracture, includes tracheostomy, if performed
CPT code 31587 Laryngoplasty, cricoid split, without graft placement
CPT code 31590 Laryngeal reinnervation by neuromuscular pedicle
CPT code 31591 Laryngoplasty, medialization, unilateral
CPT code 31592 Cricotracheal resection
CPT code 31599 Unlisted procedure, larynx
CPT code 38308 Lymphangiotomy or other operations on lymphatic channels
CPT code 38542 Dissection, deep jugular node(s)
CPT code 38720 Cervical lymphadenectomy (complete)
CPT code 38724 Cervical lymphadenectomy (modified radical neck dissection)
CPT code 41135 Glossectomy; partial, with unilateral radical neck dissection
CPT code 41140 Glossectomy; complete or total, with or without tracheostomy, without radical neck dissection
CPT code 41145 Glossectomy; complete or total, with or without tracheostomy, with unilateral radical neck dissection
CPT code 41155 Glossectomy; composite procedure with resection floor of mouth, mandibular resection, and radical neck dissection (Commando type)
CPT code 42420 Excision of parotid tumor or parotid gland; total, with dissection and preservation of facial nerve
CPT code 42425 Excision of parotid tumor or parotid gland; total, en bloc removal with sacrifice of facial nerve
CPT code 42426 Excision of parotid tumor or parotid gland; total, with unilateral radical neck dissection
CPT code 60280 Excision of thyroglossal duct cyst or sinus
CPT code 60281 Excision of thyroglossal duct cyst or sinus; recurrent
CPT code 69150 Radical excision external auditory canal lesion; without neck dissection
CPT code 69155 Radical excision external auditory canal lesion; with neck dissection

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