CPT code 74220 vs 74230 vs 70370 : Modified Barium Swallow

CPT code for Barium Swallow modified Coding guide

Basic – Cpt Code 74220/74230 Modified Barium Swallow Barium swallow studies are coded very frequently in radiology. Studies related to esophagus are done with Barium swallow. Any problem with food swallowing procedures always make physicians to test with barium swallow studies. Esophagram has two CPT codes 74220 and 74230, normal Barium swallow and Modified Barium swallow. Both are done to find any abnormalities like hiatal hernia or gastroesophageal reflux (K21.9), related to swallowing function of esophagus. GI reflux and hiatal hernia always fulfill the medical necessity of modified barium swallow cpt…

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