Before, during and after Pregnancy ICD 10 coding

Basics of Pregnancy ICD 10 codes

Pregnancy ICD 10 codes are very specific in ICD 10. All the normal, complication and Z codes used in pregnancy chapter are very specific and helpful in diagnosis coding. Even the ICD 10 codes has weeks of gestation codes in Z3A category, to give more information about pregnancy period.

Medical coders are always in confusion for coding pregnancy diagnosis codes due to their complex coding guidelines. But, once the coders have good experience in diagnosis coding, they can easily code the pregnancy ICD 10 codes.

I would just try to share few coding tips for which I have learnt for my coding experience which will help you code the pregnancy diagnosis codes easily. Let us have a look at them.

Normal versus Complication Pregnancy ICD 10 codes

The normal supervision diagnosis codes for pregnancy are from coded from Z34 series. These codes are used for coding only for normal visit for pregnant patient for supervision. The codes from Z34 series are not be coded with any complication codes. The complication codes ranging from O00-O9A should not be reported with normal pregnancy codes as per Excludes notes.
If the patient has a normal pregnancy then the patient will not have complication, and if the patient has complication than she is not normal. Hence, both  normal and complication should not be reported together for pregnancy ICD 10 codes.
While coding complication codes do remember to code a Z3A category code, for the weeks of gestation to give more specific information for duration of pregnancy. Z3A category codes should not be used along with abortion codes. These category codes should be used from O09-O9A series of ICD 10 codes only.

High Risk Pregnancy ICD 10 codes

Their are separate codes for high risk pregnancy, these codes are reported from O09 series.  Codes from this category have to be used only during the prenatal period. For complications during the labor or delivery episode as a result of a high-risk pregnancy, assign the applicable complication codes from Chapter 15.
Below term you will come across while coding pregnancy report.
Primigravide – A woman who is pregnant first time
Multigravide – A woman that has been pregnant for at least a second time
O09 Supervision of high risk pregnancy
When their are no complications during labor or delivery episode, coders have to use code O80, Encounter for full term uncomplicated delivery.
O80 Encounter for Full-term uncomplicated delivery
Similarly for Cesarean delivery the coders need to use O82 ICD 10 as primary followed by an outcome of delivery code Z37.0
O82  Encounter for Cesarean delivery without indication
category Z37, Outcome of delivery, should be included on every maternal record when a delivery has occurred. These codes are not to be used on subsequent records or on the newborn record.
Hope, this short article will clear lot of your doubts of coding pregnancy ICD 10 codes, if you have any more doubt you share your thoughts in comment section.
Pregnancy Postpartum & complications
• This is the timeframe when the mother is in a period of  recovery post-delivery
• Support for breastfeeding
• Family Planning/Contraceptive issues should be discussed
• Women are encouraged to eat well & resume normal  activities as soon as they are able.
• Exercise can be resumed to help regain strength
• Postpartum pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
• Infection
• Hemorrhage
• Sepsis
• Fistula

6 Thoughts to “Before, during and after Pregnancy ICD 10 coding”

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