CPT Code 76641 & 76642 : Breast Ultrasound Coding tip

CPT code 76641 and 76642 Breast ultrasound coding

Basics of CPT code 76641 & 76641 for Breast Ultrasound CPT code 76641 for breast ultrasound represents a complete examination of all four quadrants of the breast and the retroareolar region. On the other side, the limited code, 76642, is for a focused exam of the breast that is limited to one or more of the elements included in 76641. You can also learn about ultrasound abdomen complete and limited exam as well, which are quite similar to these codes. Both the ultrasound procedure CPT code 76641 & 76642 also…

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ICD-10 Coding Breast Mass becomes more specific for coders

Coding Breast Mass becomes more specific in 2018

The ICD 10 codes are getting more specific with time. I have already shared lot of updates about  diagnosis codes but today we will learn more about them. Today, we will see the ICD 10 codes added to code for lump or mass in Breast. Earlier, we were using only N63 as the specific code for any part of the breast. But, the  ICD 10 codes changes from 2020 has been expanded for specificity. We now have diagnosis codes for overlapping quadrants to each RT and LT side, just like…

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ICD 10 codes for Ectopic Pregnancy in pregnancy chapter

The most important section in diagnosis coding is the Pregnancy codes. Yes, there has been lot of changes in the pregnancy chapter. Coding of breast mass or lump has become more specific now. Similarly, the new specific Z codes for antenatal screening has been added. Also, you would have learnt now Z3A codes should not be used with the abortion codes. Some of the codes have been revised in this chapter. Read also:  CPT coding guidelines for TURP CPT codes  ICD 10 codes for Tubal or Ectopic Pregnancy Yes, ectopic…

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Coding tips for Z03, Z04 and Z05 ICD 10 category codes

Coding tips for Z03, Z04 and Z05 ICD 10 category codes

ICD 10 codes used for Encounter for observation and Evaluation Diagnosis codes are little tough to code when there is no specific condition given to code in medical report. Till now we have come across all the ICD 10 codes, which are used as either primary or secondary diagnosis. But, today we will learn to code for encounter of observation and evaluation. Before moving ahead I would suggest you get some knowledge about ICD 10 codes in the below links. Difference between Aftercare and follow-up ICD 10 codes Primary and Secondary…

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CPT and ICD coding tips for Total hip arthroplasty

CPT and ICD coding tips for Total hip arthroplasty

Procedure performed for Total Hip Arthroplasty (CPT code 27130) Before we start learning about the ICD and CPT codes related to Total hip arthroplasty, procedure we will just checkout how the whole procedure is performed. A total hip replacement involves removal of diseased cartilage and bone from the acetabulum and femur with replacement using a prosthetic ball and socket. An incision is made over the lateral aspect of the hip. Soft tissue is dissected and released to allow exposure of the hip joint and dislocation of the femoral head from…

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Curious case of ICD 10 code for urosepsis

Curious case of ICD 9 code for urosepsis

Difference between ICD 10 code for Urosepsis and Sepsis In ICD 10 coding sepsis is little complicated. Coding of sepsis involves use of two or more codes. There is separate coding guideline only for Sepsis where we can learn how to easily code sepsis. It is infectious and can lead to organ failure if not take care at right time. Now, I am here just to remove confusion about ICD 10 code for urosepsis and sepsis. Now, both are defines separately in ICD 10. Urosepsis has no icd 10 diagnosis…

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Difference between Excludes 1 and Excludes 2 note in ICD 10

Difference between Excludes 1 and Excludes 2 note in ICD 10

As we have started using ICD 10 codes, we will have many new words to come across. There are many new codes have been added and so it is important to know how to use two or more codes together. There is a lot of differences between ICD 9 and ICD 10 codes with some new modification. Exclusion part is also modified in ICD 10. Excludes were the part of ICD 9 codes but now in ICD 10 we will be having Excludes 1 and Excludes 2. Both excludes have…

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ICD 10 Coding tips for Prenatal Visits and Supervision of High Risk Pregnancy

ICD 10 Coding tips for Prenatal Visits and Supervision of High Risk Pregnancy

In diagnosis coding, we have specific coding guidelines for each chapter. In ICD 10 codes, we have very specific codes and this specificity can be calculated from diagnosis codes for pregnancy chapter. In pregnancy complication codes, we have now specific ICD 10 codes for each trimester and weeks of gestation (Z3A category). Be careful with use of Z3A category codes for weeks of gestation. Z3A category codes should not be used with abortion codes as per the coding guidelines. The most common issues with ICD 10 codes is the selection…

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Amazing tips for Initial, Subsequent and Sequela Encounter in ICD 10

Amazing tips for Initial, Subsequent and Sequela Encounter in ICD 10

In ICD 9, we have straight codes for injuries or external cause of injuries. However, ICD 10 has different set of codes for injuries. Here the injuries are divided into initial, subsequent and sequela encounter with the physician. Hence, the codes are very specific for the treatment of the injuries. Now in injuries we do not have to code for aftercare codes when the fracture is into healing phase, you just need to select the appropriate ‘7th’ character to coding the condition. This is one of the reason we have so…

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How to code ICD 10 Signs and Symptoms Perfectly?

How to code Signs and Symptoms Perfectly?

What are Signs and Symptoms? Many times we get confused with signs and symptoms and considered them as same by defination. But, if you see their is a very slight difference in both of them. Symptom can be only found out by patient. For example, if a patient is having some pain, that can be a symptom for any disorder or disease, which will be found out by the doctor. Similarly, dizziness, numbness, lightheadedness, fatigue, vision disturbances, ringing in your ears etc. are the symptoms for different diseases.  Signs are like…

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